A Late Bloomer – That’s Me

I sometimes (well actually a lot) question my own writing motivation.

Thing is, I read quite a lot of blogs and authors’ profiles all in the name of research and definitely not in the name of procrastination, and one of the underlying similarities seems to be an early realisation that he or she was destined to be a writer. You know the sort: I won my first prize for writing aged 6, with a piece entitled ‘Born in a Manger – Hackneyed Trope or Message for Mankind?’ type thing.

Now I was making up stories from an early age. But mine were more along the lines of: “I didn’t cut my fringe off with Mummy’s scissors so I look like action man at the front. I burned it off by accident over the gas stove.” Imaginative lies if you will. And there are plenty more where that came from.

It never crossed my mind to write a book until 2012. Perhaps I’m not a proper writer then? Perhaps you have to author running through your body like the proverbial stick of rock? A filing cabinet full of unpublished works, that have contributed to the writer you are today?

I blummin’ well hope not!

My first manuscript is now getting a final stir courtesy of the Writers Workshop and I am sixty seven thousand words into the first draft of my second.

Despite reaching my forties before having picked up a literary pen, I now can not imagine my life without writing. I have worked in the magical world of marketing, still do, since leaving university and have had a happy career flogging everything from Girls World to Cartmel Sticky toffee pudding. But nothing gives me as much pleasure as sitting at my keyboard and getting the characters in my head onto the computer screen.

When I tell people that I’ve written a book, so many respond with how much they want to do the same.

Well in the words of a swooshy sort of sports brand. Just do it!

The sense of accomplishment at typing the magical words ‘The End’ is, for me, unmatched. Quite literally, seeing as I’ve only done it once so far. And even if I never sell a single copy of anything I ever write, I won’t regret a moment that I spend writing.
Phew! I’m glad I got that off my chest. Is it time for tea…?
By Cathy Bramley

Cathy is the author of the best-selling romantic comedies Ivy Lane, Appleby farm, The Lemon Tree Cafe and A Vintage Summer. She lives in a Nottinghamshire village with her family and Pearl, the Cockerpoo. Her recent career as a full-time writer of light-hearted romantic fiction has come as somewhat of a lovely surprise after spending eighteen years running her own marketing agency. However, she has always been an avid reader, hiding her book under the duvet and reading by torchlight. Now she thinks she may have found her dream job.

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