My First London Book Launch for Julie Cohen’s ‘Where Love Lies’

Last Thursday, I tootled off to London on the train and after a lovely meeting with my Transworld Publishing editor, Harriet, during which we came this close *pinches fingers* to THE Claudia Schiffer, I attended my first ever book launch.
A huge crowd of us squeezed into Lutyens and Rubinstein, an independent book shop in Notting Hill to congratulate the lovely Julie Cohen on the publication in hardback of her new novel ‘Where Love Lies’ (out 31st July).

It was a very warm evening (which is the reason we’re sticking to for drinking so much wine) and the atmosphere was warm too. Harriet Bourton, who is Julie’s editor too, gave a speech and Julie read from the first chapter of ‘Where Love Lies’.

I met so many wonderful authors and bloggers, not to mention Julie’s husband, Rock God and the event made me appreciate once again how fortunate I am to find myself in the publishing industry amongst such wonderful people.
Julie is my guest on my blog tomorrow, talking about the theme for ‘Where Love Lies’  so don’t miss it!
Here’s my copy – signed. A thing of beauty, I’m sure you’ll agree…

By Cathy Bramley

Cathy is the author of the best-selling romantic comedies Ivy Lane, Appleby farm, The Lemon Tree Cafe and A Vintage Summer. She lives in a Nottinghamshire village with her family and Pearl, the Cockerpoo. Her recent career as a full-time writer of light-hearted romantic fiction has come as somewhat of a lovely surprise after spending eighteen years running her own marketing agency. However, she has always been an avid reader, hiding her book under the duvet and reading by torchlight. Now she thinks she may have found her dream job.

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