It’s great being an author on a book tour. Lovely people (like the talented author Rachel Brimble) offer to interview you and publish your answers on their blog! Rachel published this interview on her blog earlier this week:
1. What do you wish men understood about women?
That putting the loo seat down when he’s finished is not simply a matter of aesthetics. Falling down the hole in the middle of the night because he’s left the seat up is very unsettling.
2. Do you only work on one book at a time?
Yes and no. I can only actively work on one project at a time. But while one book is ‘resting’ I’ll work on another. As soon as I’ve finished this book blog tour, I’ll be finishing off the next book and planning my third.
3. Who is your favourite fictional couple?
Well coming from Nottingham, I would have to say Robin Hood and Maid Marian. She spurns riches and power to be with him; he fights for her. Plus she gets to wear great dresses and has her own bow and arrows.
4. Do you have a favourite quote that sums up how you feel about life?
When I was getting stressed about all the work that needed to be done to launch Conditional Love, my husband gave me a lovely card to tell me how proud he was of me. On the front was the famous quote from Les Brown:
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.
It really made me realise how pleased I am to have got this far; I wanted to write a book and I’ve done it. 5. Do you set daily writing goals? Word count? Number of chapters? Do you get a chance to write every day?
If I’m in full-on writing mode I make myself keep going until I’ve done two thousand words. I’m usually more productive if I’ve scribbled out a scene by hand first as my ideas sometimes flow faster than I can type them! I commit to writing Monday to Friday as I’m usually busy with the family at the weekend.
6. What do you like better, Twitter or Facebook? Why?
For my writing life I prefer Twitter. I like the fact that anyone can join in on any conversation. I love the instant interaction between people and I love it when an author I admire tweets me! Although I’ve been on Facebook for personal use for sometime, my author page is still new and I’ve got lots to learn about Facebook for my writing life.
7. What are you working on now?
I’m working on a new book called ‘Tell Me What You Want. It’s a comedy about three women who meet at a funeral and in a Carpe Diem moment, vow to help each other’s dreams come true before it’s too late. Unfortunately, they are all a bit economic with the truth to start with. Each woman has an issue that is holding her back that she keeps from the others. The three friends have to face up to the truth in order for their dreams to become a reality.
8. Tell us about your latest release
Conditional Love was great fun to write as I’ve incorporated several of my favourite topics into it. It’s a ‘Chick lit meets Grand Designs’ romantic comedy set in Nottingham. Sophie Stone, the heroine, who works for the local newspaper, is a thirty-something, stuck-in-a-rut procrastinator. When she unexpectedly finds herself as the main beneficiary in a stranger’s will she is forced into action. But there’s a condition attached to the will which threatens to rock her world: this is the opportunity she has been dreaming of, but accepting the challenge will throw her safe and predictable life into turmoil.
She doesn’t have to navigate these turbulent waters alone; she has two bickering flat mates, a manipulative Madonna-tribute-singer mother, an ex-boyfriend with dubious motives and an architect with as much social grace as Doc Martin.
As the story unfolds, Sophie learns that not all love is unconditional and finally begins to make a new life for herself on her own terms.
About Rachel Brimble:
Rachel lives with her husband and two daughters in a small town near Bath in the UK. She started writing short stories about eight years ago but once her children were at school, she embarked on her first novel. It was published in 2007. Since then, she’s had several books published with small presses and in 2012 signed two book contracts with both Harlequin Superromance and Kensington.
Cathy is the author of the best-selling romantic comedies Ivy Lane, Appleby farm, The Lemon Tree Cafe and A Vintage Summer. She lives in a Nottinghamshire village with her family and Pearl, the Cockerpoo.
Her recent career as a full-time writer of light-hearted romantic fiction has come as somewhat of a lovely surprise after spending eighteen years running her own marketing agency. However, she has always been an avid reader, hiding her book under the duvet and reading by torchlight. Now she thinks she may have found her dream job.
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